Bringing a brand new baby home from hospital can be daunting. They do not come with a manual and you are left to your own devices to navigate the first few weeks of learning to be a parent (the learning never stops but it does get a little bit easier :) )

1. Establish a Sleep Routine Early: Newborns don’t have a set sleep schedule, but gently establishing a bedtime routine (like a warm bath or lullaby) can help them get used to nighttime sleep. Remember, consistency is key! Don't expect your baby to know night from day to start with. Most babies are party animals at night and I also find that many babies seem to favour early evening for their cluster feeding time. One of the reasons I schedule my Newborn Photography sessions for mornings is because I find that babies are in the best cooperative and sleepy mood then.
I do believe that babies like noise. They get stressed when it is all quiet around them as they are used to so much noise from being inside the tummy and it takes them a while to get used to sleeping in a quiet environment.

2. Skin-to-Skin Contact: Holding your baby skin-to-skin helps regulate their body temperature, heart rate, and breathing. It’s also a wonderful way to bond and soothe your little one. The newborn stage passes by so quickly and taking time out to have skin to skin contact with your baby is a wonderful way to slow down and savour the newborn bubble. It is beneficial for breastfeeding but even if you are not breastfeeding, skin to skin contact is great for both mum and baby. (Dads should give it a go too for sure!)

3. Accept Help: Don’t hesitate to accept help from family and friends. Whether it’s a meal, a few hours of babysitting, or even just someone to talk to, having a support system makes a world of difference.
It might feel that you should be able to do it all, but it is not true. Good friends and family will understand and offer help. Accept the help whenever you can. Looking after a brand new little human is hard work, so every little helps :)

4. Feeding on Demand: Newborns typically need to eat every 2-3 hours. Feed on demand, whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, to ensure your baby gets the nourishment they need to grow strong and healthy.
Babies are great at giving feeding cues (check out my instagram account for tips on reading feeding cues in babies:
Also remember that babies go through growth spurs at times, they like to cluster feed and sometimes they just want to comfort feed too.

5. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of a newborn can be exhausting. Make sure to take care of yourself, too. Even small moments—like enjoying a warm cup of tea or taking a short walk—can help you recharge.
Finding time for yourself whilst caring for your new baby can be almost impossible but if you have your partner, family or friends around and you are able to have a walk, a nice long bath or a bit of time to yourself to do something you enjoy doing then you should definitely take that opportunity. Becoming a mum is the most amazing thing in the world but it is also not easy to suddenly feel like you are loosing your own identity and who you are.

6. Capture the Moments: These early days go by fast! Take lots of photos and videos, even of the small, everyday moments. Book a Newborn Photography Session for your baby. I am always happy to capture family and sibling photos with your new baby at my studio in Cheam. I love to provide my customers with a relaxing experience whilst they get to sit back and enjoy their tiny baby being the star of the show and having stunning memories captured to last forever.

7. Trust Your Instincts: Every baby is different, and no one knows your baby like you do. Trust your instincts and don’t worry if you’re not following every piece of advice you read. You’re doing great! You might feel that you don't want to pester your GP or health visitor with something that might just be a little thing, but you know your baby the best and no GP or health visitor will mind advising you and checking your baby over, it is their job and you as a mum know your baby best so they will listen to your concerns.

8. Create a Safe Sleep Environment: Ensure your baby sleeps on their back in a crib with a firm mattress and no loose bedding or toys. This helps reduce the risk of SIDS and keeps your baby safe during sleep.

9. Take Baby Out: Fresh air is great for both you and your baby! Take your newborn for walks in a stroller or baby carrier to help them get used to new sights and sounds. Gentle walks will help your body recover from giving birth (if you had a C section, take it easy but walking will help speed up your recovery). Getting out of the house will definitely help your mental health too! It is worth joining mum and baby groups if there are any around you to be able to chat to other mums.

10. Don't sweat the small stuff: Is there dust collecting on your shelves? Dishes in the sink? Have you not had your 5 a day, or are you still in your pyjamas and it is lunch time? Don't sweat it. You are doing an amazing job on a very little sleep. As long as you and your baby are fed and clean that is all that matters in the first few weeks. Have the extra cuddle. Read a book whilst holding your baby or have a little snooze whilst your baby is sleeping. Soak up these first few weeks together and worry about the little things later :)

11. Make time as a couple: It can be really easy to get swept up in the caring for your little human that you forget to make time for each other. If you have anyone who could watch your baby whilst you go out for a dinner with your partner, take them up on the offer. Or maybe plan a lunchtime date. Or a drink, or a walk together. Anything you enjoy doing as a couple to remind you that you are still a couple. It is not always easy as you are functioning on limited sleep and are probably finding it a little overwhelming trying to navigate parenthood, but if you can find a bit of time for 'couple' time, it is really important.
